We are the BRIDGE that connect businesses and consumers.

Allubmarket.com/NG is Top Nigeria Business Disdcovery Platform


'WHO' We
Are & Offer

Allubmarket.com/NG is a business discovery platform in Nigeria, and our mission is to help businesses grow potentially, making it easier for customer to find. 40 million businesses to discover in Nigeria across different industries from restaurants, salon, hospitals, automobiles, photo studio, fashion home, supermarkets, and a lot more.

We are one of the top business discovery platform in the world with huge business database that attracts millions of consumers visiting on our platform on monthly basis. We are operating across the Delaware in the United State, the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria.

Whether you’re a micro, small, medium, large or an enterprise looking to create a massive awareness or promote your  business in Nigeria, Allubmarket.com/NG has all the solution and tools you need to elevate your business, products, or services and reach potential customers and achieve your business goals in the Nigeria market.


Our Mission

our mission is to help businesses grow potentially, making it easier for customer to find.


Our Vision

To be the number 1 go to platform for authenticity, promotion, exposure and growth for businesses in Nigeria.


Our Core Value

Credibility, Goal Driving, Integrity, Accountability, Teamwork, Innovation, Professionalism, and Passion

Allubmarket makes it easy to connect with new customers and grow your business

Since 2014

Allubmarket Inc. is a daughter company of Allubareaka Business Empire LTD, helping businesses to grow potentially and achieve their short and long goal.

Allubareaka Business Empire LTD is a group of companies and multinational industrial conglomerate with the focus of adding value with different solutions to the business environment.

We promise to work hand in hand with you to deliver results you truly deserve.

Our Promise To You

making a start

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We Help people get to know you

Having a strong presence on Connect Nigeria helps you establish trust with potential customers. Manage your page for free or upgrade to stand out from the competition.

We Help You To Grow Potentially

We don't just help you to be known, we help you to grow your business potentially, both locally and internationally beyond expectation

We bring Innovation, sustainability & Inspiration to your business

Your business sustainabilty is our pripority, that why we promise to bring innovation and inspiration to your business for continous growth
client satisfaction
Accepted Cases
Success Rate

Are you ready for Your Business Growth?

what do you need?

we work hard
in all fields

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family law

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legal advice

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gun crimes

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drug crimes

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"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol

our team of experts are here for you

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

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